If the job you’re hiring for is within luxury hospitality, construction or sales, Hana Consulting can help

Hana and her recruitment specialists will help you find the best talent for any vacancy

We take on a set number of job vacancies every week

We support businesses solving problems we care about

Businesses within:

  • Luxury Hospitality

  • Construction

  • Sales

Grosvenor House Suites has been working with Hana and Hana Consulting since March 2023. Hana did a good job finding us a candidate for a difficult to fill revenue related role’’ Julia Fowler Cluster Director of Human Resources


+ Flat fee of £1800+ vat for Chef Recruitment (to junior sous)

+ Flat fee of £3000+ vat for all other roles up to £49,999

+ Salary brackets £50,000+, flat fee will be pre-agreed at 10-20%

+ Your company will pay Hana Consulting upon hire

+ Hana Consulting will advertise the job

+ Hana Consulting will handle all the recruitment on your behalf

+ Hana Consulting will send you a shortlist of CVs or book trials as directed

+ You’re very likely to find your perfect candidate through us

+ Highly Unlikely, if a candidate leaves within 12 weeks, we'll give you a pro-rota refund 

+ You’re very likely to find your perfect candidate through us

+ We work with businesses solving problems we care about

+ Businesses within luxury hospitality, construction and sales